A Guide to Levels of Care in Assisted Living

If the idea of a senior living community brings to mind thoughts of old-fashioned nursing homes, think again. These days, seniors have more options than ever before when it comes to retiring and staying active.  Learn about the types of senior living options you have. And if you need assisted living, we’ll share the levels of care you can expect

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Types of Senior Living Options

There are many choices when it comes to the best care options for seniors. We’ll help you or your loved ones make the best choice based on your unique circumstances and needs by covering different communities in order from least to most assistance needed.  We know that this can be a tough decision to make. Just know that there are

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Causes of Insomnia in Seniors & Ways to Manage

A good night’s sleep helps our memory, immune system, and energy levels. As people age, sleeping patterns fluctuate. Regular changes include falling asleep and waking up earlier and experiencing less deep sleep. However, many aging adults also experience abnormal sleep patterns which can interfere with their quality of life. Sleep issues are often frustrating and exhausting, and if your loved

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5 Tips to Help Your Aging Parent Manage Finances

Mother and Daughter Looking at Paperwork

Managing finances can become more difficult as we age, which is why our parents and other loved ones may eventually need a helping hand. This conversation requires both a gentle approach and a plan. When helping or taking over your aging loved ones’ finances, the goal is all about avoiding any potential issues. Whether it’s tackling bills, protecting them from

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The Therapeutic Benefits of Pet Companions for Seniors

Dog Sitting Next to Senior

As your loved ones age, there are many things to consider. Is it time for them to join an independent or assisted living community? Where does your loved one find socialization and community? How can you help them improve their life?  You may be surprised at one of the most common things that gets prescribed for aging parents: animals. Aging

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How Daily Routines Help Dementia & Alzheimer’s Patients

Woman Holding Small Dog

Alzheimer’s or another form of a dementia diagnosis can be devastating, with uncertainty about you or your loved one’s future. Whether it’s the fear of the unknown, worry about the loss of independence, or concern with how much control one may have going forward — there are ways to help and make life easier for someone struggling with any form

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When is it Time for Assisted Living?

Man Helping Elderly man With a Walker

As we age, it’s natural to worry about our parents and loved ones aging alongside us. Eventually, you may begin to notice signs that they need help maintaining their health and well-being daily. But when is it time to move a parent to assisted living?  Know that you’re not alone in asking this question and that there isn’t a universal

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Moving & Settling Elderly Parents Into Assisted Living

Seniors Playing Cards and Being Served Coffee

Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do to make this transition smooth and comfortable for everyone. So, let’s talk about the before, during and after of helping an elderly parent to move into a senior care facility. Helping your mom or dad to move into a senior care facility can be a stressful, chaotic process. Not only

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Understanding the Importance of Sensory Stimulation for Adults with Dementia

The five senses of smell, taste, hearing, seeing, and touching are how we experience the world. While our senses help us navigate our surroundings, we sometimes take them for granted. However, as we all age, our senses slowly deteriorate and shift, making it even more essential to find stimulating activities to enjoy. Senior sensory stimulation is one of the best

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Elderly Scams – What You Need to Know

Once you retire, you should be able to enjoy your new life in peace and safety. And for most seniors, that’s the case: a carefree lifestyle full of friends, hobbies, and relaxation. Unfortunately, for some individuals, that’s not how retirement plays out. There are bad actors out there who are more than willing to cheat innocent, hardworking people out of

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