So that may be a little bit of a stretch – I’m not sure my mom’s chocolate chip recipe is on there. Nor is the video of my granddaughter’s kindergarten school play. But nearly everything else is truly there.
A public clearinghouse of information, this website searches federal, state and local government websites to bring you official information on a nearly uncountable number of topics. As an added plus – there are no advertisements!
Want to find out if your house is making you sick? They’ll tell you. Did a long lost uncle leave you money in his will? They know the answer. Think your teenage great-niece might be experiencing depression? Check out the signs and risk factors on their site. It truly is an endless source of information.
At, there are pages and pages of information where we can learn more about retirement homes and pension benefits. There’s info graphics showing the various options to fund your retirement. There’s a great video titled Target Savings Rate in the Savings Fitness Financial Planning Series. There’s a whole litany of information that explains Social Security Benefits and how you can qualify to receive them. I even found a great article on the federal insurance for private pensions that explained my options if my employer goes bankrupt.
From consumer information to disaster planning, wildlife pictures to health resources, whatever you are curious about can be researched on this truly user friendly site. Next time you and your spouse are squabbling about the federal government’s budget process, click on to to settle the dispute (spoiler alert: the wife is correct!)